WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 13, 2023 PRESENT Chris Linhart Scott Albert Greg Hasenohr Joyce Wusk Stephanie Hroch OTHERS PRESENT Jill Rogman—Office Manager Barb …


WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 13, 2023 PRESENT Chris Linhart Scott Albert Greg Hasenohr Joyce Wusk Stephanie Hroch OTHERS PRESENT Jill Rogman—Office Manager Barb Nelson—Office Manager Matt Ross--RHD The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President, Chris Linhart, at the Wilber Care Center. It was noted that the Open Meeting Act is posted. There was one addition to the agenda concerning a car shelter. There were no visitors. The minutes from the January 9, 2023, board meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the January minutes was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Joyce Wusk. Motion carried. Matt Ross reviewed the January general financials. Matt Ross reported on the profit and loss statement. Barb Nelson stated that the average census for January was 36 residents in the nursing facility and 27 residents in our assisted living area. Census today is 37 on the nursing facility and 27 in assisted living. Barb Nelson reported and discussion followed concerning the progress and updates on accounts which appear on our aging of accounts. A motion to approve the general financials income section was made by Joyce Wusk and seconded by Scott Albert. Motion carried. Matt Ross reported on the January staffing and overtime report. Barb Nelson stated nursing has open positions for medication aides and nursing assistants, a RN should be starting in March. Agency labor use is staying about the same. The monthly check register was presented and discussion was held addressing questions. A motion to approve the expense section was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Greg Hasenohr. Motion carried. Old Business The call light system part has been installed and is working. Randy has received education on the system. Range Hood quotes handed out in board packets were discussed. A motion to accept Jerry’s Sheet Metal bid for $36895 for range hood and $32,000 heating and cooling for the range hood for the kitchen was made by Scott Albert and seconded by Greg Hasenohr. Motion carried. New Business Barb Nelson introduced Jill Rogman as the new office manager. Jill told the board about herself and past work history. The board members welcomed her and approved Jill to be put on as a signer on all accounts at our affiliated financial institutions. Matt Ross discussed with board members the letter concerning the purchase of virtual reality equipment to use for resident activities. The board stated that memorial money would be used for the purchase of this equipment. Greg Hasenohr was approached about adding a car shelter for residents who have their vehicle at the facility. Discussion ensued and it was decided that this was not something we could do at this time. Covid wages was discussed. A motion was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Greg Hasenohr that the facility return to the pre covid sick leave policy. RHD Update Matt Ross gave an administrator update. Matt also stated that a department head round table was held. Matt and Vicky, the nurse consultant, continue to work with department managers. Matt gave an ERC update. On Wednesday all facilities of RHD are having a zoom meeting over this matter. The next board meeting will be held Monday, March 13, 2023, at 5:30 pm. A motion to adjourn was made by Greg Hasenohr and seconded by Stephanie Hroch. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. Minutes by President Secretary WR — March 22, 2023 ZNEZ