VILLAGE OF TOBIAS P.O. BOX 94 TOBIAS, NEBRASKA 68453 July 11, 2023 The regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Tobias, Nebraska was held at the Tobias Fire Hall in …


VILLAGE OF TOBIAS P.O. BOX 94 TOBIAS, NEBRASKA 68453 July 11, 2023 The regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Tobias, Nebraska was held at the Tobias Fire Hall in said Village on the 11th day of July, 2023. Present were Chairman Dick, Trustees: Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe. The Village Clerk was also present. Notice of meeting was given in advance thereof by posting as required by law. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The Open Meeting Laws are posted in the meeting room. Chairman Dick called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Purchase of the town library building was discussed with resident of Tobias. Estimates of the work needed to renovate the building was suggested to consider feasibility of the purchase. Further discussion to be at next meeting. Claims, bank statement, and account balances were presented. Wolfe motioned to pay claims, Kastanek seconded, motion carried, aye votes Wolfe, Kastanek, Dick; no nay votes. Krupicka and Smith abstained on personal claims. Rural Fire funds were discussed with Gary Baxa with a decision to move their funds into a separate account and check into CD rates for Rural Fire and Village funds. Dick motioned to move account and funds into CDs, Smith seconded, motion carried, aye votes Kastanek, Krupicka, Wolfe; no nay votes. Baxa agreed as Rural Fire representative. Gym sewer repairs were discussed. Lyle Bartels will orchestrate getting bids and completing repair work. Dick motioned to begin project, Krupicka seconded, motion carried, aye votes Dick, Krupicka, Kastanek, Smith, Wolfe; no nay votes. MARS Trash Service will be servicing the Tobias dumpsters beginning August 1, 2023. Dumpsters will be located at the Ballfield, Fire Station, and Gym. Tobias Clean-up Day will be August 12, 2023. Notices will be posted on July Water Bills. Chris Aude $23.54; John Henry's P/H $ 1,574.74; The Crete News $ 31.74; Smith, Travis $ 200.00; Murray Law $ 140.00; Public Health Envir. Lab $ 174.00; Saline Co. Area Transit $ 787.00; Ralph Baxa $ 140.00; Susan Burgess $ 485.04; Diane Krupicka $ 50.00; Pat Effenbeck; Dorchester Coop $ 297.84; Windstream $ 48.68; Dan Bartels $ 150.00; Norris Public Power $ 1,414.31; Susan Burgess $ 45.70; One Call Concepts $ 5.14; NE State Sales Tax *****; NE Dept. of Revenue *****; IRS *****; Unemployment Tax *****; Alan Krupicka $ 440.00. WR — July 19, 2023 ZNEZ