WILBER CARE CENTER MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 13, 2015 PRESENT: Chris Linhart, Scott Albert, Joyce Wusk, Mike Barrett, Stephanie Hroch OTHERS PRESENT: Barb Dreyer, Administrator; Barb …


WILBER CARE CENTER MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING July 13, 2015 PRESENT: Chris Linhart, Scott Albert, Joyce Wusk, Mike Barrett, Stephanie Hroch OTHERS PRESENT: Barb Dreyer, Administrator; Barb Nelson, Office Manager; Matt Ross, RHD. The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Board President, Chris Linhart, at the Wilber Care Center. It was noted that the Open Meeting Act is posted in the Board Room. There were no additions to the agenda. The minutes from the June 8, 2015, board meeting were reviewed. One correction in the third paragraph the second on the motion to approve the minutes was made by Stephanie Hroch. A motion to approve the June minutes with the one correction was made by Joyce Wusk and seconded by Scott Albert. Motion carried. Barb Dreyer reviewed the June general financials. Barb reported on the statement of operations and census; AR days were 22. Barb also stated that we are getting ready for end of fiscal year audit. Average census for June was 46 residents in the nursing facility and 37 residents in our assisted living area. Census today was 47 in the nursing facility and 37 in assisted living. A report was given and discussion followed concerning the progress and updates on accounts which appear on our aging of accounts. A motion to approve the general financials was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Mike Barrett. Motion carried. Barb Dreyer reported on the June staffing and overtime report. Barb Dreyer stated that dietary is looking to hire for positions. The monthly check register was presented and discussion was held addressing questions. A motion to approve the expense section was made by Scott Albert and seconded by Joyce Wusk. Motion carried. Old Business. Barb Dreyer revisited the facility remodel project. Barb Dreyer stated that there is about a week of work left with the electrical project. Discussion was held concerning a room remodel project. The board members asked that Barb Dreyer address questions that they have with the auditor when he comes in July. The remodel project is tabled until more information is forthcoming. New Business. Barb Dreyer reported that the Medicaid rates will have a 4 percent increase for our next fiscal year. RHD Update Matt Ross stated that Barb and he looked at the rooms today. He also stated that Roz, our nurse consultant, was here today. She stated that charts looked good. Roz met with Michele and Jamie to give suggestions. An inquiry was made on how activities are going. Barb Dreyer stated that afternoon activities are starting later and more people are out to these activities. There have been some new activities added including starting a sensory group. An inquiry was made on how often we do fire drills and do we evacuate on these drills. Barb Dreyer stated that we do fire drills monthly but we do not evacuate out of the facility because we are a completely sprinkled facility. Barb Dreyer did state that we are working on evacuation drills for a disaster. Randy Homolka and Barb Dreyer will attend a meeting concerning this topic the end of July in Beatrice. The next board meeting will be held Monday, August 10, 2015, at 5:30 pm. A motion to adjourn was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded Scott Albert. Motion approved. Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm. WR — August 19, 2015