WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 14, 2020 PRESENT Chris Linhart Scott Albert Stephanie Hroch Greg Hasenohr Joyce Wusk OTHERS PRESENT: Barb Dreyer—Administrator Barb …


WILBER CARE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 14, 2020 PRESENT Chris Linhart Scott Albert Stephanie Hroch Greg Hasenohr Joyce Wusk OTHERS PRESENT: Barb Dreyer—Administrator Barb Nelson—Office Manager Matt Ross—RHD The regular monthly meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President, Chris Linhart, by Zoom. It was noted that the Open Meeting Act is posted. There was one addition to the agenda, survey. There were no visitors. The minutes from the November 9, 2020, board meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the November minutes was made by Joyce Wusk and seconded by Stephanie Hroch. Motion carried. Barb Dreyer reviewed the November general financials. Barb Dreyer reported on income and expense report and on the statement of financials for the month. We are 24 days in AR. The average census for November was 43 residents in the nursing facility and 33 residents in our assisted living area. Census today was 44 in the nursing facility and 32 in assisted living. A report was given and discussion followed concerning the progress and updates on accounts which appear on our aging of accounts. A motion to approve the general financials income section was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Greg Hasenohr. Motion carried. Barb Dreyer reported on the November staffing and overtime report. Barb Dreyer reported that we are up on our overtime and agency staff. We are still looking for nursing staff. The monthly check register was presented and discussion was held addressing questions. A motion to approve the expense section was made by Joyce Wusk and seconded by Stephanie Hroch. Motion carried. Old Business Barb Dreyer presented and answered questions concerning the room rate information. A motion to accept the proposal for the new rates that will go into effect on March 1, 2021, was mad by Greg Hasenohr and seconded by Joyce Wusk. Motion carried. Barb Dreyer presented the information concerning staff wages. Discussion ensued. A motion to increase wages as Barb Dreyer has listed to be effective March 1, 2021, was made by Greg Hasenohr and seconded by Joyce Wusk. Motion carried. New Business Barb Dreyer stated that the old washer needed to be replaced because of cost to repair it. Board members had two different machines to look at with their specifications. A motion to purchase a new washer for $12,470 was made by Stephanie Hroch and seconded by Scott Albert. Motion carried. Election of officers. Stephanie Hroch made a motion to retain out same officers as last year. It was seconded by Greg Hasenohr. Motion carried. Infection control survey was done at the Wilber Care Center. The Board discussed the report. We did receive our Covid incentive payment for October. DHHS plans to give incentive payments for November and December also. RHD Update Matt Ross re-stated that the Wilber Care Center did receive the infection control incentive. There are 2 more months for an opportunity to get fund and then a cumulative incentive payment may be distributed at the end. Vaccine is coming. Hospitals are starting to give vaccinations. SNF is a priority over AL; not mandatory to get the vaccination. There is a plasma which is an option for people who test positive for Covid to get; if you have received this treatment, you may not get the vaccine. The next board meeting will be held Monday, January 11, 2021, at 5:30 pm. The meeting will be held by zoom. A motion to adjourn was made by Greg Hasenohr and seconded by Stephanie Hroch. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm. WR — January 20, 2021