VILLAGE OF TOBIAS P.O. BOX 94 TOBIAS, NEBRASKA 68453 May 2, 2023 The regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Tobias, Nebraska was held at the Tobias Fire Hall in said …


VILLAGE OF TOBIAS P.O. BOX 94 TOBIAS, NEBRASKA 68453 May 2, 2023 The regular meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Tobias, Nebraska was held at the Tobias Fire Hall in said Village on the 2th day of May, 2023. Present were Chairman Dick, Trustees: Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe. The Village Clerk was also present. Notice of meeting was given in advance thereof by posting as required by law. All proceedings hereafter show were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. The Open Meeting Laws are posted in the meeting room. Chairman Dick called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Present were Chairman Dick, Trustees Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe. The Village Clerk was also present. Chairman Dick welcomed Susan Burgess to the meeting, Krupicka motioned to hire Burgess as the new Village Clerk, Kastanek seconded the motion, aye votes, Dick, Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe, no nay votes.Nuisance properties were discussed, Dick will be contacting the Village Attorney for guidance on moving forward with the nuisance properties. The tree dump hours were discussed, 9:00 am to noon on Saturdays will be posted. CD rates were discussed, current rates will be obtained. ARPA money was discussed. JEO has set up a new e-mail and has contacted the Treasury Department. A discussion was held on NRD Urban Conservation Assistance, Smith and Wolfe will look into prices on new lighting for the ball field.Questions were asked about an acreage south of town and if it is considered within the limits of Tobias. Kastanek will go to Courthouse this week to check. Smith motioned to hire Schwisow to spray again this year, Krupicka seconded the motion, aye votes, Dick Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe, no nay votes.The Claims, bank statement and account balances were presented. Krupicka motioned to pay claims 1-8, Dick seconded the motion, aye votes Dick, Krupicka, Wolfe, no nay votes, Smith and Kastanek abstained. Wolfe motioned to pay claims 9-13, Kastanek seconded the motion, aye votes Dick, Kastanek, Smith and Wolfe, no nay votes. Krupicka abstained.Smith motioned to adjourn, Krupicka seconded the motion, Dick, Kastanek, Krupicka, Smith and Wolfe voted aye, no nay votes. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Claims: Farmer's Coop Dorchester $143.61; Lichti Oil $139.76; Smith $605.20; Kastanek $100.00; Nebraska Public Health $31.00; Kinetic $48.68; Seward Co. Independent $27.82; Meridian Public School $250.00; Diane Krupicka $50.00; Pat Effenbeck $485.04; Krupicka $309.80; Norris Public Power $1,374.80; Pat Effenbeck $63.00; Receipts; Saline County Collect. $1,568.59; Tobias Legion License $250.00 ; State of Nebraska $2,907.86 ; Heartland Bank $146.00 ; Water Receipts $3,800.55; Susan Burgess Village Clerk WR — May 17, 2023 ZNEZ